
Three days prior -MSLS XI-

4, 5 drafts line up on the dashboard, none nearly finished and honestly, I don't know why. It can't be writer's block. Could it be lack of resolve of what needs to be said, have I lost my ability to BS at will? The thing is whatever I say on this blog is strictly the blunt truth, there is no following nor is it in any way intended to serve anybody but myself. So there really isn't any incentive to overinflate posts nor would there be any sugar coating here. But undoubtedly there is a source to void. Currently, I am at my childhood home, Kelab Darul Ehsan. I used to spend days here with friends and family without a care in the world. A much simpler time where your biggest responsibilities were your own. Nobody to represent, to rely on you and look to you for guidance. The expectations are deafening and stakeholders diverse. MSLS is in three days, arguably the biggest annual event UKEC has. And here I am. I was moments ago staring onto a blank piece of paper try

As of late.

Look up to the moon child, Don't you feel the hope or just sorrow? Is it pain or is it relief of Stare to the candle, read the flame. Do you see the moon men? They dance and frolic high above, Could they be happy or desperate for rain, Bumps of red pulsing to the forest sounds. Is your reality here or there? I do not feel the sensations of current, Nor do I reap the rewards of delay, Confused crickets creaking, craving, crawling, conforming, crap.

Anger and Frustration

Paralyzing anger is one thing but a constant pulsating frustration is another. I seem to be experiencing one or the other more and more often. It distracts sometimes but could also be transferred to intense focus. It really does depend on the nature of the source. So many triggers. Who is really directed to? People around me, God, or the universe conspiring against me. Or does it stem from me? I'm just tired, I probably need sleep. I apologise to my future self in retrospect for sounding grim. I'll try to follow up with a step-by-step to remedy this soon, post exams.

Turbulent times

At the peak of adversity, that's when our character truly develops whether it is for better or for worse. Somehow the universe naturally lets bad predicaments gravitate to one another. Where there is pain, there will be a child poking at it. And all of it somehow culminates at the most inconvenient of times. And we are not alone in the battle within ourselves, there is one raging in each one of us. Some of course more than others. But we shouldn't discredit each other and think for a second ours is of more grieve importance. Bad things happen to good people and the more you live, the more you accept the fact that bad news is just a matter of 'when' not 'if'.  There are many ways people choose to deal with their adversity, some retreat to a virtual world where they are king, others result to cigarettes and alcohol. A different kind of reality. Bad times don't last, well they do if you allow it. Move along. -A Tribute to this impossible year.


Beauty can come in so many different forms, each unique. It is best felt in a really good song or with breathtaking pictures or landscapes. The magical hour or dusk and dawn captures beauty unbelievably well. It's the likes of acoustics like Ray LaMontagne or African Plains when soft colors paint the skies. I wish I could live in those moments without a care in the world, away from prying eyes and superficial souls. It doesn't necessarily have to be contained in a person, in fact, most of the beauty these days can be easily mistaken with lust. Sad sad sad. #2MinuteRant


Sand is trickling down the hourglass of my 2nd year. Time is running out for exams, for my time at UKEC and most of my dearest friends here in Nottingham. I'm going to miss them dearly. It's funny that when your days are numbered that you start to see everything with a different shade of color. A tint of nostalgia leading to an unknown darkness of possibilities. I know that I'm getting more desensitized in relationships, maybe even progressively looking at them as trivial; something that I have to prevent. What I know I don't want to be, is a cold robot that is concerned with only outcomes. But at the same time that is the safest way to prevent hurt and get things done isn't it? As things get gradually more critical for your future and the responsibilities that come with it, we tend to lose focus on what is happening around us. So having time on your own is important to recalibrate focus. That's the function of interests, in my opinion, something that lets y

On writing

Each of us has thoughts, some more than others and yet unbeknown to many. Having platforms to express them are one of the fundamental basis' of democracy but at the end of the day, numbers are what matters. Ranging from making decisions on where to eat to establishing entire governments, it's the majority that matters. But imperfect knowledge and personal biasses plague people's rational. People to me are mostly the same just exposed to different realities because of the different experiences that they go through. Of course their mindsets differ vastly. But the sharing of these uniqueness are what shapes an individual as well. Real changes are driven by a following and the strongest of those are driven by a common belief. And despite the weightage on matter instead of manner when it comes to expressing oneself, it really is of equal importance. One cannot work without the other because of innate human emotions and more particularly ego. People are not willing to accept