
Showing posts from May, 2013

Three Strikes and I'm Out.

With hopeful eyes, limitless words of encouragement and countless condolences after the dust settles; those are collegians. Far too many times it has ended seemingly in vain especially so during HKSBP. I am disappointed, the school is disappointed that I ended my career none the wiser. First and foremost, I want to thank the school for giving me countless opportunities to excel and deliver pride for my beloved college. I want to thank the teachers and HM Anand for guiding me and lending words of advice at times of hardship. I want to thank my teammates in the debate squad; we worked together and had our fair share of triumphs and defeats. I want to thank all collegians for remaining united and strong through whatever the upheaval; all juniors, seniors, teachers and especially batchmates. You make everything worthwhile… But I’m sorry, I have been a disappointment. I felt as if I’ve failed. I know I could’ve worked harder, I know I could’ve used a better strategy and I know I

All about us~

What was in the interviewers mind and mine was like sky and earth. I came, I understood and I learnt. None of which changed the past but has the capability of changing my future conquest. And thus has been said the learning curve. Anyway, I initially thought being confident and staging a play to give a positive perception to people would mean 70 percent of my goal is in the bag. But apparently I didn’t apply to life as much as I hoped. I didn’t used to be like this, but I guess I wore the mask for so long that it became my face and thus a part of me. And theres no problem being being full of energy and confident as long as you stay within boundaries. By boundaries in this context is the setting, interview mode on. Things I shouldn’t have done: 1)       Greeting them with a ‘hey guys’-airgo treating them as old friends. -exactly what I did when I first entered Dr. H meeting room where he then introduced himself as a well established economist working with the bank ever s


Strong feelings trigger the kind of motivation needed to achieve leaps and bounds. Though this blog may not be the ultimate success to celebrate about, it’s still a pretty big deal for me. But I regret to inform you the source of my sudden epiphany is nothing to cheer about, but of course everybody deserves a slap from life every now and then. Mine however came from a bank. No, I will not unleash my sob story. No, I will not hate on the others who was fortunate enough to clasp it. And no, I will not tell you to give up on life because it’s unfair. Because well, ultimately, it is.  But since I'm already ranting about it I will counter-weigh it with a few dedication; Congrats to all who got the BNM scholarship! Esp my good friends Edda, Aimran, Faidzal Faudzi, Zaryff, Hafiz and the golden Aiman Sabeh. You guys deserve it :) Coming back, With everything there is there is always a learning curve and probably I have not been following the coordinates. Using my own mor