
That's what this blog has become. Alienated and isolated from people. Guess it has no relevance, except maybe on the few occasions I'm diligent enough to pen out my thoughts. Maybe not even my thoughts, a facade but still a medium to vent and I guess if this blog is and forever will be a medium to vent I've come to terms with that. Funny how things change.

At the very beginning of my blogging 'career', I wanted to talk bout my unique experiences inspire and analyse a lot of issues. Hell, maybe even make money. Now its an emotional dump. Change being hilarious, plays cruel jokes too. Funny how someone who meant so much to you before is now a stranger, and funnier still is the nonexistent punchline. No reason, if there is its flimsy, if there is it's questionable. Time heals and memories age and alter. And yet do you want it to?

Pain is a 'fitrah'(privilege of living), like how happiness is as well. We experience, we learn, then adapt. I've only just, spoke to 2 of my close friends. One getting crushed and cheated while the other is excited to get his girl a gift. By trying to console and as well as offer advice, I couldn't help but talk bout my past and how it played out. Flashbacks everywhere, mostly sweet. Gift ideas, places I brought her, hopes and dreams, moments. Pictures start resurfacing. Past, present and future occurrences and plans. Passions.

Do I miss it? Yes. But isn't that a good thing? It meant I had such great moments to miss. Although lost in a moment stuck in time, It's there and It's sweet. No two moments are the same, and the same person in two points of time are different. It's just impossible to duplicate a moment, that unique feeling you so very much miss. If you accept that fact, maybe you'll rejoice the sweet moments while it lasted rather than logging it to come back or cloned.

I may have teared for receiving this cruel joke. But next time I do, It'll be tears of happiness streaming down my face knowing that it would have brought with it so much more good than bad. Arrivederci A.


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