Turbulent times

At the peak of adversity, that's when our character truly develops whether it is for better or for worse. Somehow the universe naturally lets bad predicaments gravitate to one another. Where there is pain, there will be a child poking at it. And all of it somehow culminates at the most inconvenient of times. And we are not alone in the battle within ourselves, there is one raging in each one of us. Some of course more than others. But we shouldn't discredit each other and think for a second ours is of more grieve importance. Bad things happen to good people and the more you live, the more you accept the fact that bad news is just a matter of 'when' not 'if'.  There are many ways people choose to deal with their adversity, some retreat to a virtual world where they are king, others result to cigarettes and alcohol. A different kind of reality. Bad times don't last, well they do if you allow it. Move along.
-A Tribute to this impossible year.


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