
When college comes to mind you start thinking(or at least I do) freedom, adulthood, the time of your life. Or probably the frequently assumed Spring breakers or pictures of crazy times form in your mind. This is not at all the case, not with our Malaysian system, not with the adopted British system of education I'm going through.

A-levels is an entirely different ballgame all together, the subjects are getting tougher and more thorough. The time constraints are getting tougher, and expectations are rising exponentially. With that said, a paradigm shift I believe is in order. Your centre of gravity has to be reestablished.

High school was amazing. A time to push your limits and learn the most from the mistakes you can afford. Befriend all, form bonds that will last a lifetime, get your heart broken on puppy love once or twice. All is possible, enjoy all the perks that come with it. Hold loads of posts, manage all the events you want and neglect studies till the very last minute and still score. Good times.

Then college came a-knocking, reality seeps in as parents constantly remind us to shackle down drop all but studies cos it is imperative. 'Your high school involvements are enough and can be used to get into a good university' they say. Its not helping either that so many around me did not achieve the results they expected. And these are students who are as smart or smarter than I. So, No more posts, No more majoring in sports and curfews are set in.

My loved ones say one thing, but my heart loving them says another. Its sad that I'm no longer in charge making the changes I want, altering the coarse of events making them better than they were before. But I've got to get through my thick skull that this abstinence I hope would just be temporary and would eventually accumulate to better things in the future. One thing that gets me going is the concept of a sacrifice for a reward, possibly larger more worthwhile.

For instance, if I really do wanna make a change why jeopardize the possibility of macromanaging later for the chance to micromanage now. Focus and persistence is key, specialization recently learnt in economics has a lot more to offer than being a jack of all traits. Thus, drop/sacrifice all that is deemed unimportant in relative to your ultimate dream. Oh college, Viva la vida.


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