Three days prior -MSLS XI-

4, 5 drafts line up on the dashboard, none nearly finished and honestly, I don't know why. It can't be writer's block. Could it be lack of resolve of what needs to be said, have I lost my ability to BS at will? The thing is whatever I say on this blog is strictly the blunt truth, there is no following nor is it in any way intended to serve anybody but myself. So there really isn't any incentive to overinflate posts nor would there be any sugar coating here. But undoubtedly there is a source to void.

Currently, I am at my childhood home, Kelab Darul Ehsan. I used to spend days here with friends and family without a care in the world. A much simpler time where your biggest responsibilities were your own. Nobody to represent, to rely on you and look to you for guidance. The expectations are deafening and stakeholders diverse. MSLS is in three days, arguably the biggest annual event UKEC has. And here I am.

I was moments ago staring onto a blank piece of paper trying to write my opening address, looking at the flow and content analysing them over and over again, looking for loopholes. I had very high expectations of MSLS's, the value I wanted it to bring to students was aimed to be sustainable, far-reaching and inclusive. I will get into the details of its shortcomings another time. Now isn't the time for doubt, it isn't the time to moan and cry victim. I need to get back to my mandate and carry out my duty and make the best out of the situation. I am an elected official of the Supreme Council of UK and Ireland, and so help me God I won't let their trust end in vain. 


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