It's all routine

With impending might, the first wave of finals is about to come crashing. And yet the inertia of bad habits remain unsolved. Depending on who you ask breaking a habit or forming new ones take 21 to 66 days. But in this critical moment, we should at least attempt to recalibrate your mind right?

Finding motivation is hard, so we shouldn't depend on it. And yet most of us fall victim to the norm, we lack resolve to follow through on goals we ourselves has set. Motivation like "Iman" comes and goes. But discipline though hard to forge is what will override the gaps that the fleeting feelings give us. Maybe that's why Allah and his prophet (peace be upon him) has simplified religion is the 5 pillars.

Growing up many times we are conditioned to keep praying despite how you are as a person, what sins you commit in your down time. A friend of mine the other day told me what matters is that you do the dos even if you do the don'ts because in the long-run you'll see that slowly your paradigm will shift, that your personality will conform to the path of righteousness. I believe in that.

Closer to home, I've always lived with the principle fake it till you make it. You may not be the smartest person in the room but say it enough times, act like it often enough, one day you might be. I think it's because of the innate need of humans to justify their actions. The principle of being able to rationalize why I do what I do. We despise conflict in ourselves more than when we see it in others. So having you doing conflicting actions just wouldn't fly and more often than not your conscience favours a nobler cause, at least that's what I'm betting on.

Bottom line, actions shape perception and personality. That's why the army makes it a point to make your bed perfectly every morning, why Nadal's tennis ball cases have to be angled a certain way before a match and why you should at least pray and act hardworking and capable in daily your daily routine. Power of habit.


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